To Generate or Not to Generate? ‘Should I use AI’ isn’t the question.

Be ready for something different…

At DuraSew, we have been carefully evaluating the integration of AI into our design process. While this decision may seem straightforward, it requires thoughtful consideration. Rather than asking 'should I be using AI?' the more pertinent question is 'how should it be used' and to what extent should it be integrated into our creative workflow?

Designing soft products like canvas bags using AI image generation presents exciting opportunities for creativity and innovation. However, the effective implementation of AI technology demands nuance and strategic planning.

Despite the extensive coverage of AI in the media, it's essential to remember that its use is not mandatory. While exploring the potential benefits of AI is wise, it may not be suitable for every situation. DuraSew has found that AI should be viewed as a productivity multiplier rather than a replacement for existing knowledge and expertise.

It's crucial to approach AI integration incrementally, recognising its potential to augment human creativity and efficiency. By leveraging AI as a complementary tool, we can enhance our design process while preserving the unique insights and skills of our team.

Ultimately, the key lies in striking a balance between human ingenuity and technological innovation by using AI with insight to maximize its impact on our creative endeavors.

Here’s a quick rundown of a few AI specific do's and don'ts DuraSew has developed to assist successful outcomes. Let's explore them!


  1. Clarify Design Objectives: Begin by precisely defining the design objectives and aesthetic preferences. This involves considering factors such as the target audience, brand identity, and intended use to effectively steer the design process.

  2. Embrace Serendipity: While maintaining focus on defined objectives, remain open to unexpected outcomes. AI generation often yields intriguing and unanticipated results, offering creative solutions that may align with design goals via unconventional paths.

  3. Harness the Power of Prompts: Utilise natural language descriptions or 'prompts' to steer the creative process. Experiment with various input parameters, such as colors, patterns, and styles, to generate a diverse array of design possibilities.

  4. Foster Improvements Through Continuous Refinement: Constantly refine designs in an iterative approach to enhance creativity and discover unique concepts through experimentation.

  5. Anticipate Future Usefulness: Be prepared for surprising results that may not fit the current project. Save images for later review to spark inspiration in the future.

  6. Explore Rich Seams: Remain vigilant for opportunities where specific prompt configurations yield clusters of intriguing outcomes. These instances often present fertile ground for further exploration and the discovery of novel design directions.


  1. Overlook Ethical Considerations: Be mindful of ethical considerations related to AI image generation, such as copyright infringement and cultural sensitivity. Avoid using copyrighted materials without proper authorization and ensure that the designs respect cultural norms and values.

  2. Rely Solely on AI: While AI image generation can facilitate the design process, avoid relying solely on AI-generated designs. Balance AI-generated outputs with human creativity and expertise to ensure that the designs reflect the brand's identity and vision.

  3. Neglect Quality Control: Pay close attention to the quality and consistency of the generated designs. Conduct thorough quality control checks to ensure that the designs meet the desired standards in terms of aesthetics, accuracy, and feasibility for production.

  4. Overcomplicate Designs: While experimenting with design variations, be cautious not to overcomplicate the designs. Keep the designs visually appealing and coherent by maintaining a balance between complexity and simplicity.

  5. Underestimate Human Expertise: While AI image generation can automate certain aspects of the design process, recognize the value of human expertise and intuition. Human designers bring creativity, intuition, and context to the design process, enhancing the quality and relevance of the final designs.

The final take:

Utilising AI image generation, one can craft captivating and inventive designs across various soft product categories, encompassing forms and surface patterns, while prioritizing ethical, practical, and aesthetically pleasing results. Happy prompting!


Bags of Character…


Unzipping the Zip!